Vol. 21, Issue 2, 2004July 01, 2005 NZST
A Longitudinal Survey of Nurses’ Self-reported Performance During an Entry to Practice Programme
A Longitudinal Survey of Nurses’ Self-reported Performance During an Entry to Practice Programme
Di Roud, RN, MHSc(Hons), Nurse Advisor (Professional Development), Auckland District Health Board, Lynne S. Giddings, RN, RM, PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Health & Environmental Studies, Auckland University of Technology, Jane Koziol-McLain, RN, PhD, Associate Professor, Auckland University of Technology,
Roud, D., S. Giddings, L., & Koziol-McLain, J. (2005). A Longitudinal Survey of Nurses’ Self-reported Performance During an Entry to Practice Programme. Nursing Praxis in Aotearoa New Zealand, 21(2), 37–46.