Vol. 13, Issue 3, 1998November 01, 1998 NZST
Establishment and Evaluation of a Preschool Asthma Programme: A Pilot Study
Establishment and Evaluation of a Preschool Asthma Programme: A Pilot Study
Barbara Matthews, BA, MA (Psychology) Clinicalk Psychologist, Child, Adolescent and Family Service, Hutt Valley Health, Annette Dickinson, RGON, M.N.(Dist), MCNA(NZ) Nurse Advisor, Starship Children’s Hospital, Fiona Cram, PhD (Psychology) Health Research Council Eru Pomare Maori Health Research Fellow: Visiting Research fellow within the International Research Institute for Maori and Indigenous Education, University of Auckland: Te Ropy Rangahu Hauora A Eru Pomare, Wellington School of Medicine, University of Otago,
Matthews, B., Dickinson, A., & Cram, F. (1998). Establishment and Evaluation of a Preschool Asthma Programme: A Pilot Study. Nursing Praxis in Aotearoa New Zealand, 13(3), 25–34.