Vol. 12, Issue 2, 1997July 01, 1997 NZST
Lymphoedema: A Study of Otago Women Treated for Breast Cancer
Lymphoedema: A Study of Otago Women Treated for Breast Cancer
Ramona Clark, RCpN, BA DipSocSci (Nursing), Nursing Lecturer, Otago Polytechnic, & Lymphoedema Nurse Therapist, Dunedin, Teresa Wasilewska, SRN, Cert. Breast Care Nursing, Breast Care Nurse Advisor, Healthcare Otago, Dunedin, Joan Carter, RN, District Oncology Nurse, Healthcare Otago, Dunedin,
Clark, R., Wasilewska, T., & Carter, J. (1997). Lymphoedema: A Study of Otago Women Treated for Breast Cancer. Nursing Praxis in Aotearoa New Zealand, 12(2), 4–15.