Vol. 5, Issue 3, 1990July 01, 1990 NZST
Objective Structured Clinical Evaluation (O.S.C.E.), a Report on the O.S.C.E. for Third Year Nursing Students at the School of Health Studies, Carrington Polytechnic
Objective Structured Clinical Evaluation (O.S.C.E.), a Report on the O.S.C.E. for Third Year Nursing Students at the School of Health Studies, Carrington Polytechnic
Gasquoine, S. (1990). Objective Structured Clinical Evaluation (O.S.C.E.), A report on the O.S.C.E. for third year nursing students at the School of Health Studies, Carrington Polytechnic. Nursing Praxis in Aotearoa New Zealand, 5(3), 29–33.